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IDCategoryLast Update
0003697Bug Report2025-02-01 18:41
SeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed
Summary0003697: Weird 1-legged Debbie
DescriptionLoaded my 5258 save and progressed through her route. The 1st event that popped was MC remembering when he rubbed her legs. The problem is that the "flashback" scene had him rubbing 1 floating leg (her panties/pussy was there too), her other leg wasn't there, neither the rest of her body. Clicking through the dialog didn't do much. Then when she climaxed, the scene went blank, only having the blurred background. A few more clicks made her come back into existence and the game proceeded after that. Did it only once and saved over it. The cookie jar scene isn't "bugged". Will try to restart a new game and take a screencap




2025-02-01 05:09

developer   ~0005897

Thanks for the report! :)

We've been able to confirm the issue and are working on getting it sorted. All being well a fixed build should available sometime tomorrow.


2025-02-01 05:15

reporter   ~0005898

Did a fresh restart and the floating leg didn't come back. Guess the save was at cause


2025-02-01 18:41

developer   ~0005899

This is now fixed and been made available to patrons as build 21.0.0-wip.5597.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-01 05:01 Omnikuken New Issue
2025-02-01 05:09 strayerror Status new => confirmed
2025-02-01 05:09 strayerror Note Added: 0005897
2025-02-01 05:15 Omnikuken Note Added: 0005898
2025-02-01 18:41 strayerror Status confirmed => resolved
2025-02-01 18:41 strayerror Resolution open => fixed
2025-02-01 18:41 strayerror Note Added: 0005899