View Issue Details

IDCategoryLast Update
0003679Bug Report2024-12-15 06:37
SeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required
Summary0003679: Lost all scenes in Cookie jar and can't continue story with Debbie
DescriptionSo in the last update, I "finished" everything and had all scenes in the cookie Jar, but now that i downloaded and played the latest update (21.0.0-wip5258), all my Cookie Jar scenes disappeared, and if i have sex with anyone the scene does not come back in the cookie Jar.

on top of that I can't do anything with Debbie anymore, except give her a massage, but in the last update i could have sex with her?




2024-12-12 21:48

reporter   ~0005848

Read the changelog : wip52** is the start of Debbie's art remake. Everything is gone cause they need to redo all her stuff with new art. Once they catch up to where we were pre-52**, her scenes will be back in the jar, including the new scene we got in wip5000

As for the other "bug" : you can unlock the entire jar by clicking the wifi icon inside MC's phone > enable cheats and go into settings > click on "unlock all jar". Check if that works, otherwise dunno


2024-12-15 06:37

developer   ~0005851

As explained both in the changelog and Omnikuken's comment, Debbie's route is currently in the process of being updated with new art, updated writing and other improvements such as a pregnancy arc. Scenes will return to the cookie jar as they're completed and you'll be able to check in on the progress every other month via the preview builds, the next of which will be made available at the end of January.

Currently, if you simply wish to play her story, we suggest playing the Stable build from the website.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-12 19:55 Edron5 New Issue
2024-12-12 21:48 Omnikuken Note Added: 0005848
2024-12-15 06:37 strayerror Status new => closed
2024-12-15 06:37 strayerror Resolution open => no change required
2024-12-15 06:37 strayerror Note Added: 0005851