View Issue Details

IDCategoryLast Update
0003548Bug Report2024-07-24 05:20
Status closedResolutionnot fixable
Summary0003548: Unexpected quit
DescriptionWhilst trying to open the game on my MAC the loading bar will get 90% of the way and then unexpectedly close the window.




2024-06-04 19:46

developer   ~0005594

Are you able to provide any more details on, or the specifications of your device, please?


2024-06-09 00:36

reporter   ~0005618

my Mac is Version 10.11.6
Here is an image of where it gets stuck


2024-06-12 21:50

developer   ~0005628

Unfortunately I'm not a macOS user and so can't offer much direct insight. I would recommend searching for something like "renpy won't run on el capitan" and seeing if any of the various solutions proposed either on Ren'Py subreddit or the Lemmasoft forums (run by the developer of Ren'Py) can help in your case.

I've also reached out to a few macOS users to see if they have any additional insight, but I don't know if or when I'll hear back.

Sorry we can't be of more help at the moment, if you do manage to solve it we would love to hear back.


2024-06-12 22:58

developer   ~0005629

Last edited: 2024-06-12 23:10

View 2 revisions

Unfortunately your image does not seem to have been uploaded. If you're talking about the "Verifying" progress bar displayed by macOS (rather than the loading bar that appears under the Summertime Saga logo during start up), then it's possible you need to take some action to allow non-AppStore apps to be run on your machine. Here's what I got back from one of the people I reached out to:

In System Preferences (Security & Privacy) I already have the radio button "Allow apps downloaded from AppStore and identified developers" selected rather than just the "AppStore" radio button. (You need to unlock the buttons with the system login password to change from one to another.)

Additionally make sure you have extracted the contents of the zip file and moved to \applications before attempting to launch it.

Apologies if these are already steps you've taken, I'm just passing along the install process as it has been explained to me. Best of luck.



2024-07-24 05:20

developer   ~0005673

Closing due to lack of activity.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-02 01:32 fitzz1989 New Issue
2024-06-04 19:46 strayerror Status new => feedback
2024-06-04 19:46 strayerror Note Added: 0005594
2024-06-09 00:36 fitzz1989 Note Added: 0005618
2024-06-09 00:36 fitzz1989 Status feedback => assigned
2024-06-12 21:50 strayerror Note Added: 0005628
2024-06-12 22:58 strayerror Note Added: 0005629
2024-06-12 22:58 strayerror Status assigned => feedback
2024-06-12 23:10 strayerror Note Edited: 0005629 View Revisions
2024-07-24 05:20 strayerror Status feedback => closed
2024-07-24 05:20 strayerror Resolution open => not fixable
2024-07-24 05:20 strayerror Note Added: 0005673