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IDCategoryLast Update
0003485Bug Report2023-05-14 15:15
Status newResolutionopen
Summary0003485: Animatioon (Life Guard)
DescriptionYes, thought you should know. That since downloading Summertime Saga 0.20.16 version. That I have had some issues with animation, mainly cut scenes involving the sex scenes. Especially with the cut scene with the life guard. Even with the first encounter, just as she is about to give him oral, it cuts to the segment were it gives you the option queue to "Continue, cum on tits, cum on face". If you chose Continue it does not resume animation. If you chose Tits or Face, the animation will finish with your selection. Most if not all of the animation during the game seems to be working fine. Sincerely Michael Webber


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-14 15:15 webber5028 New Issue