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IDCategoryLast Update
0003196Bug Report2021-04-13 01:05
SeverityblockReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen
Summary0003196: Lock after giving framed photograph to Jenny the same day Roxxy visits for cheerleading training.
DescriptionLock occurs because you need to enter Jenny's room to check on Roxxy and Jenny, but you aren't able due to giving Jenny the photograph the same day and MC indicating she needs time alone.

Steps to reproduce:
Sufficient progress in main story to have access to the box of belongings in attic containing the photo of Frank and Jenny
Progress on Ms Bisset and Roxxy's route to allow Roxxy to visit home for cheerleading practice.

Talk to Roxxy at school and retrieve her pompoms, get sent home to talk to Jenny. Talk to Jenny and ask about Roxxy, then talk to Jenny again and say "I have something for you" and give her the photograph. Continue directly to school to confirm the practice with Roxxy, then head back home to trigger Jenny and Roxxy meeting. If you go upstairs at this point, you will be unable to check on Roxxy and Jenny, or leave the upstairs area at all until you load a saved game.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-13 01:05 Fooshy New Issue