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IDCategoryLast Update
0003043Bug Report2020-10-29 00:06
SeveritytweakReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen
Summary0003043: MC is surprised about Clyde's reappearance after he has already met him
DescriptionThe following happened to me while playing v0.20.5, and I guess it is still present in the newer versions:
After Clyde had reappeared after his temporary hiding, I first met him at the tractor (the scene where he uses it to satisfy his urges). Later, I met him at the trailer, but only then MC expressed his surprise about Clyde's return. So either the tractor scene should not appear before MC has met Clyde at the trailer, or the text for the tractor scene should be changed in case MC meets him there for the first time after Clyde's return.
I currently do not have a special save game to reproduce this (I have some others prior to the possible occurrence). If needed, I'd have to create one.


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-10-29 00:02 DarkMaggus New Issue