View Issue Details

IDCategoryLast Update
0002837Bug Report2020-05-09 15:52
Status newResolutionopen
Summary0002837: Issues with informing eve of dress code cancellation
Description1) You cannot inform eve of the good news re: the cancelation of dress code outside of the school
2) Tyrone/Chico/Chad show up in the French class (and maybe in the hallway, I haven't tried that one in .20) and spray eve with a beer-filled super soaker when you tell her she can keep the blue hair.

It seems like the intent was that you tell her in the park and the rap crew spray her then, or that some event occurs outside school grounds, since 3 random dudes showing up with a super soaker full of beer in the middle of the school is likely to have repercussions outside of Grace being upset. Maybe hearing the good news at school should make her want to celebrate by skipping class and lighting up somewhere outside school grounds where a super soaker seems more likely?


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-09 15:52 Narual New Issue